Return of the Taliban – Preconditions and the interests of regional key players




USA, Taliban, Internal and Regional Actors, Panjshir province


The article discusses and analyzes the current situation in Afghanistan. The military operation launched by the United States against the Taliban in this country in 2001, after 20 years ended with the return of this movement. The United States has spent 2.26 $ trillion over the past two decades in Afghanistan to eliminate a variety of challenges facing the country, one of these efforts included training and arming the 300,000-strong Afghan army. However, contrary to expectations, the army was reluctant to resist the Taliban, and the movement soon gained control of the entire country and the capital Kabul, which eventually ended with the departure of President Ashraf Ghani and new caretaker government was announced by the Taliban.                                                                               

Because of these reasons, world's attention remains focused on Afghanistan. Particular interest is the development of events in this country and throughout the region. One of the main question is, will this country become a polygon of terrorist organizations again or a center of confrontation between various ethnic and religious groups during the reign of the Taliban? Therefore, the purpose of the article is to rethink and analyze the situation in Afghanistan before withdrawal of the US troops.                                                          

Accordingly, the article discusses the Taliban interim government and brief characteristics of its members. Preconditions for the withdrawal of US troops. The interests of the Taliban, internal Afghan and regional actors: the Taliban, the Haqqani network, the Islamic State of Khorasan Province, the influence and factor of the sheikhs of the local tribes, the phenomenon of Panjshir Province. Also the interests of Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar. Weapons and sources of funding in the hands of the Taliban since the withdrawal of U.S. troops.                            

The final section and conclusion broadly outline the main arguments why the Taliban could be an acceptable force for control of Afghanistan for the US and for the listed regional actors, and was the interests of the regional key players the main reason for the fall of Panjshir province.


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Author Biography

Simon Gureshidze, Ilia State University, Giorgi Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies


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Phone : 59556612




How to Cite

Gureshidze, Simon. 2021. “Return of the Taliban – Preconditions and the Interests of Regional Key Players”. Herald of Oriental Studies 4 (October):116-41.



Scientific Articles : History, Politics, Primary Source Studies